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Everyone can have a personal altar. Your altar should contain items that inspire you. Use your imagination! An alchemy eye altar utilizes the four elements, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire to create a sacred space of balance where your creativity can run free.
Earth, Water, Air & Fire
Start with an Earth element such as fresh cut flowers, a house plant, sand, soil, river stones, gems, or crystals.
Add Water: The water used should be purified or spring water (i.e. It should be of a quality you would ingest and it should be changed frequently).
Add an Air element: Using an aromatherapy diffuser or burning sage, Palo alto, natural incense, frankincense & myrrh, nag champa, and other sacred scents work well.
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Add Fire (Light): Candles, salt lights, lamps, and fairy lights work well. Always use caution and never leave a fire unattended.
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